• Manning Eye Surgery Cnr Albert and Pulteney Streets Taree NSW 2430
  • Mon to Fri - 9:00am to 6:00pm

Glaucoma treatment

Glaucoma is an eye disease, which is one of the leading causes of blindness in Australia. Glaucoma is fairly common in adults over the age of 35. When diagnosed early, blindness from glaucoma is almost always preventable.

A clear, transparent liquid called the aqueous humour flows through the inner eye continuously. This inner flow can be compared to a sink with the tap turned on all the time. If the drainage gets clogged, water collects in the sink. If the drainage system of the eye gets similarly blocked, the fluid pressure within the inner eye is increased and can cause damage to the optic nerve.

Early diagnosis can be made by the Ophthalmologist in the course of a periodic eye examination. During the painless examination the doctor will determine the pressure of the eye. This is only part of the examination. If indicated, the fields of vision will be tested for shrinkage or blind spots. Using an ophthalmoscope to view the back of the eye, the doctor will examine the optic nerve to be sure no damage is occurring.

Glaucoma is usually controlled by eye drops or pills in various combinations. The purpose of these is to decrease the pressure by assisting outflow of fluid from the eye, or by decreasing the inflow of fluid.

If medications are poorly tolerated or ineffective in controlling pressure in chronic open angle glaucoma, surgery or laser treatment may become necessary.

If you are over the age of 35, you should have your eyes checked for glaucoma every 2 or 3 years. Your family doctor should be consulted whenever there is any decrease in vision.

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