• Manning Eye Surgery Cnr Albert and Pulteney Streets Taree NSW 2430
  • Mon to Fri - 9:00am to 6:00pm

Macular Degeneration

This is one of the most common causes of decreased vision and blindness in Australia. MD can be diagnosed early with an examination of the retina by Dr George, and may also involve a fluorescein angiography. Diet, family history and lifestyle measures (smoking) are very important. Drusen is an early sign, which may show evidence of early macular degeneration.

Symptoms may include; distortion of vision, difficulty recognising faces, central vision appears blurred or fuzzy. Dry AMD and the late stage geographic atrophy, currently have no treatment available. Wet AMD presents with leaking fluid and maybe blood under the retina, which can cause rapid changes to the retina. Currently there is effective treatment with anti-VEGF drugs such as Lucentis and Avastin injections to reduce the new blood vessel formation in the macula.